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Ayer ha sido un gran día, muy especial, sobre todo porque hemos conocido al Papa y además algo muy importante, participamos de la iniciativa respecto a "Red Mundial de Escuelas para el encuentro", algo que ayudará a reencontrar algunos valores perdidos

Yesterday was a great day, very special, especially since we have met the Pope and also very importantly, participate in the initiative on "Global Network of Schools for the meeting", something that will help regain some lost values

Yesterday a been a great day, very special, mostly because we have met the Pope and also very importantly, participate in the initiative regarding "Global network of schools for the meeting", something which will help recover some lost values

Yesterday was a great day, very special, especially since we have met the Pope and also very importantly, participate in the initiative on "Global Network of Schools for the meeting", something that will help regain some lost values